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PWR021: Consider loop fission with scalar to vector promotion to enable vectorization


The loop can be partially vectorized by promoting temporary scalar variables to vectors, moving the non-vectorizable statements of the loop body to a separate loop.


Rewrite the loop to enable partial vectorization by separating the vectorizable statements in a first loop and the non-vectorizable statements in a second loop, and by promoting a temporary scalar variable to a vector that is written in the first loop and read in the second loop.


Vectorization is one of the most important ways to speed up the computation of a loop. I practice, loops may contain a mix of computations where only a part of the loop body introduces loop-carried dependencies that prevent vectorization. Different types of compute patterns make explicit the loop-carried dependencies present in the loop. On the one hand, the forall compute pattern is free of loop-carried dependencies and can be vectorized. On the other hand, the following compute patterns have loop-carried-dependencies and cannot be vectorized:

  • The sparse reduction compute pattern - e.g. the reduction variable has an read-write indirect memory access pattern which does not allow to determine the dependencies between the loop iterations at compile-time.

  • The recurrence compute pattern - e.g. typically computes the value of an array element using the value of another array element calculated in a previous loop iteration.


The scalar reduction compute pattern is kind of an edge case, it introduces loop-carried dependencies, but processors often support vector instructions for reductions by hardware. However, there are situations where it may be preferable to execute reduction operations with scalar instructions. An example is a hardware processor that lacks vector instructions for specific reduction operations. Another example is a code where it is key to find a trade-off between performance and precision control, avoiding round-off errors in floating point operations. Note loop fission is a solution that still enables the partial vectorization of part of the loop.

Thus, loop fission enables the partial vectorization by moving the non-vectorizable statements of the sparse reduction and recurrence compute patterns to a separate loop. Frequently, loop fission cannot be implemented in a straightforward manner because the loop contains temporary scalar variables that are used in the non-vectorizable statements.

In the situation described above, in order to perform the loop fission, temporary scalar values in the loop need to be stored in a vector. After loop fission, we end up with two loops, and the second loop is depending on the data generated in the first loop. By promoting temporary scalar values to a vector, we preserve the values calculated by the first loop to be used in a second loop.


Loop fission introduces additional memory overheads, which is needed to allocate, read/write and deallocate the memory of the vector resulting from the promotion of the temporary scalar variable. The implementation of loop fission must take this into consideration to produce performant code.

Code examples


Have a look at the loop shown below. This computationally-intensive loop may benefit from vectorization, but it is prevented by the indirect memory accesses A[C[i]] of the sparse reduction compute pattern.

__attribute__((pure)) int expensive_computation(int *C, int i) {
return C[i] * 2;

void example(int *A, int *C) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
int t = expensive_computation(C, i);
A[C[i]] += t;

After applying loop fission, the original loop is split into two loops: first loop computes the vectorizable part of the loop body in vector mode, and second loop computes the sparse reduction in scalar mode. Note that a new auxiliary array t is created to store all the results of the first loop, so that those values can be used as inputs in the second loop.

__attribute__((pure)) int expensive_computation(int *C, int i) {
return C[i] * 2;

void example(int *A, int *C) {
int t[1000];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
t[i] = expensive_computation(C, i);

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
A[C[i]] += t[i];


Have a look at the loop shown below. This computationally-intensive loop may benefit from vectorization, but it is prevented by the indirect memory accesses a(c(i)) of the sparse reduction pattern.

subroutine example()
implicit none
integer :: a(1000), c(1000), i, t

do i = 1, 1000
t = expensive_computation(c, i)
a(c(i)) = a(c(i)) + t
end do


pure integer function expensive_computation(c, i)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i, c(:)

expensive_computation = c(i) * 2
end function expensive_computation
end subroutine example

After applying loop fission, the original loop is split into two loops: first loop computes the vectorizable part of the loop body in vector mode, and second loop computes the sparse reduction in scalar mode. Note that a new auxiliary array t is created to store all the results of the first loop, so that those values can be used as inputs in the second loop.

subroutine example()
implicit none
integer :: a(1000), c(1000), t(1000), i, b

do i = 1, 1000
t(i) = expensive_computation(c, i)
end do
do i = 1, 1000
a(c(i)) = a(c(i)) + t(i)
end do


pure integer function expensive_computation(c, i)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i, c(:)

expensive_computation = c(i) * 2
end function expensive_computation
end subroutine example
