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PWR069: Use the keyword only to explicitly state what to import from a module


Importing modules without specifying elements with the only keyword can obscure their origin, hurting the readability of the code, and even lead to name conflicts or difficult-to-diagnose bugs.


Enhance code clarity and reliability by leveraging the only keyword in use statements, clearly specifying which parts of a module are needed.


The default behavior of the use statement is to make all public parts of a module accessible to the program. This makes tracing the origin of each element more difficult, and can even cause name conflicts, especially in large codebases. These issues impact both the readability and maintainability of the code.

In procedures with implicit typing enabled, an use without the only specification can also easily lead to errors. If the imported module is later expanded with new members, these are automatically imported into the procedure and might inadvertedly shadow existing and implicitly typed variables, potentially leading to difficult-to-diagnose bugs.

By leveraging the only keyword, the programmer restricts the visibility to explicitly mentioned elements, effectively preventing these problems.

Code examples

First, let's define a module Areas that contains logic for calculating the areas of various shapes:

module Areas
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
public :: constant_pi, area_circle, area_rectangle, area_square

real(kind=real32), parameter :: constant_pi = 3.1415


pure real(kind=real32) function area_circle(radius)
real(kind=real32), intent(in) :: radius
area_circle = constant_pi * radius * radius
end function area_circle

pure real(kind=real32) function area_rectangle(length, width)
real(kind=real32), intent(in) :: length, width
area_rectangle = length * width
end function area_rectangle

pure real(kind=real32) function area_square(side)
real(kind=real32), intent(in) :: side
area_square = side * side
end function area_square
end module Areas

The first version of the program omits the only keyword, making all public elements of the module available:

! example.f90
module Areas
end module Areas

program test_without_only
use Areas
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none

real(kind=real32) :: radius = 2.0

print *, 'Area of circle: ', area_circle(radius)
print *, 'Value of pi used: ', constant_pi
end program test_without_only

Using the only keyword is as simple as listing the elements that are actually needed from the module:

! solution.f90
module Areas
end module Areas

program test_with_only
use Areas, only : constant_pi, area_circle
use iso_fortran_env, only: real32
implicit none

real(kind=real32) :: radius = 2.0

print *, 'Area of circle: ', area_circle(radius)
print *, 'Value of pi used: ', constant_pi
end program test_with_only

This approach makes it immediately clear to the reader that constant_pi and area_circle are being provided by the Areas module.


If you encounter name conflicts between different modules even when using the only keyword, you can easily rename the conflicting elements to avoid the issue:

use Mod1, only : element => element_from_Mod1
use Mod2, only : element => element_from_Mod2
